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Research and development institutions in Estonia

Quantum research is carried out in various Estonian R&D institutions.

AS Metrosert

AS Metrosert participates in various international projects, related to quantum metrology, funded through the European Metrology Partnership. As one of the partners, Metrosert is implementing Estonia’s quantum communication infrastructure project, EstQCI. In addition, a coordinating unit has been established at Metrosert to support the development of Estonia’s quantum technology ecosystem by facilitating information exchange among stakeholders, fostering international partnerships, and raising public awareness of the possibilities and necessity of quantum technology.

University of Tartu

Courses on quantum computing and quantum information have been offered at the University of Tartu since the late 1990s, starting with Peeter Saari’s pioneering work in this field. At the University of Tartu, quantum technology research and teaching are carried out by the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Computer Science.

Dirk Oliver Theis (PhD)


Vladimir Hizhnyakov (drSci)


Veiko Palge (PhD)


Research Opportunities:
Both the Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Physics supervise quantum-related theses at every academic level—bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral.